Laravel 5 different log levels for development and production Laravel 5 different log levels for development and production laravel laravel

Laravel 5 different log levels for development and production

This gist shows a more comfortable answer, as is not dependent on the chosen handler.

I'm just providing the essential part in an answer here in case the above link gets deleted in some time.

In the AppServiceProviders' register method:

/*** Register any application services.** @return void*/public function register(){    //    $monolog = Log::getMonolog();    foreach($monolog->getHandlers() as $handler) {      $handler->setLevel(Config::get('app.log-level'));    }}

Then just add an additional key to your config/app.php:

'log-level' => 'info', // or whatever minimum log level you would like.

Add the following code to your AppServiceProvider::register():

$this->app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {  $monolog->pushHandler(    $handler = new RotatingFileHandler(       $this->app->storagePath() . '/logs/laravel.log',       $this->app->make('config')->get('app.log_max_files', 5),       $this->app->make('config')->get('app.level', 'debug')     )  );  $handler->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true, true));});

This recreates the logic that Laravel does when setting up the daily handler, but adds passing level to the handler.

You can set your minimum logging level by setting level value in your config/app.php:

'level' => 'debug', //debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency

This is a bit of a workaround and each type of handler would need to be set up separately. I'm currently working on a pull-request to Laravel that would add setting minimum debug level from the config file without writing a line of code in your AppServiceProvider.

The code above hasn't been tested, so let me know if you see any typos or something doesn't work properly and I'll be more than happy to make that work for you.