Laravel 5 Flysystem - download file from remote disk Laravel 5 Flysystem - download file from remote disk laravel laravel

Laravel 5 Flysystem - download file from remote disk

Frank here from Flysystem.

The preferred way to do this would be to use the readStream output in combination with Response::stream.

<?php$fs = Storage::disk('diskname')->getDriver();$stream = $fs->readStream($file);return Response::stream(function() use($stream) {    fpassthru($stream);}, 200, [    "Content-Type" => $fs->getMimetype($file),    "Content-Length" => $fs->getSize($file),    "Content-disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"" . basename($file) . "\"",]);

The $fs is the League\Flysystem\Filesystem instance. I believe there is a method to retrieve this instance in the filesystem class Laravel provides.

Is adding Storage::disk() sufficient for making Laravel look in this location rather than locally?

No, that wouldn't affect response()->download() calls.

Something like this should work:

return response()->download(Storage::disk('rackspace')->get('file-library/' . $file->filename));