Laravel 6.0.3 Not Loading Key Resources App.js or App.css 404 Not Found Laravel 6.0.3 Not Loading Key Resources App.js or App.css 404 Not Found laravel laravel

Laravel 6.0.3 Not Loading Key Resources App.js or App.css 404 Not Found

My setup was a little wrong, I mostly forgetting to run npm install and npm run dev command that is required to compile the app.js and app.css files.

Correct setup command sequence was:

laravel new cmscd cmsphp artisan migratecomposer require laravel/uinpm installphp artisan ui vue --authnpm install && npm run dev

The app.css and app.js were missing from a new app. The proper steps had been run as are noted in Jack Robson's answer above. I reran the last two steps:

    php artisan ui vue --auth    npm install && npm run dev

And it generated the app.css and app.js - all good now.

No idea what had gone wrong in the initial install.

The below command did the trick for me.

npm install && npm run dev