Laravel and Nginx static files Laravel and Nginx static files laravel laravel

Laravel and Nginx static files

As Kyslik hinted, this could be a permission problem.

I had a similar problem, running Laravel on Homestead on Windows 10. In my case, I could access the files from public\css directory, but not from public\css\vendor. I realized that I created the vendor directory from Windows, and as a result, the files in it were not accessible by ngingx.

To fix the issue I deleted the vendor directory and recreated it from within the vagrant box.

The urls don't need to include the /public part in the path. /public is the root for your web assets. So your url should be:

All you have to do is understanding the server is a different pc entirely and resolving path range for hosting service all around the global.

Best practice is to make sure your assets are only one step deeper into your application


<link href="folder/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" /> wrong

<link href="bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" /> correct

The server will not stress scanning directory. and the server will only go one step deeper.

AWS Ec2 Instance Ubuntu x Laravel Application.