Laravel Auth:attempt() will not persist login Laravel Auth:attempt() will not persist login laravel laravel

Laravel Auth:attempt() will not persist login

I had this problem. Changing primary key for user model helped for me.

Try to add something like

protected $primaryKey = 'user_id';

in class User{} (app/models/User.php)

(Field user_id is auto increment key in my Schema for 'users' table)

See also this ticket:

I had the same issue in laravel 5.7. Whoever facing similar issues if session not persisting after authentication , can follow the solution like below..

Open file App\Http\kernel.php

Move \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, from protected $middlewareGroups to protected $middleware . That's it.

I had this problem today morning, and I realized that when you output data before calling


Then you can BE SURE THAT YOUR SESSION WILL NOT BE SET.So for example if you do something like

echo "This is the user " . $user;

just above the line that says


Then rest assured that you will spend the whole morning trying to find why laravel is not persisting the authenticated user and calling


will give you a null, and also calling


will always give you false.

This was my problem and that is how I fixed it, by removing the echo statement.