Laravel Blade - Chain/Embed multiple layouts Laravel Blade - Chain/Embed multiple layouts laravel laravel

Laravel Blade - Chain/Embed multiple layouts

I'm not sure I get what you're after here. For instance in home.blade.php you extend "nav", which in turn extends "master", but both "master" and "nav" yield content, so the <home> content will render twice.

So, what is your expected output? I'm not sure "home" or "about" should really extend "nav" or "breadcrumb". I think of these two as sort of structural layout components, so it does make sense to me to include them in the master layout. In "nav" you can define a section to extend when your view needs a breadcrumb.

For instance:


<html><head><!-- stuff --></head>  <body>    @include('nav')            @yield('content')  </body></html>


<nav>  <!-- nav content -->  @yield('breadcrumb')</nav>


@extend('master')@section('content')  <home>    <!-- content -->  </home>@endsection


@extend('master')@section('breadcrumb')  <breadcrumb>    <!-- breadcrumb content -->  </breadcrumb>@endsection@section('content')  <about>    <!-- content -->  </about>@endsection

You forgot using @parent. Here's the example:


<html>  <head>    {{-- Stuff --}}  </head>  <body>    @yield('content')  </body></html>


You need to put the nav inside section to tell master layout that this is a content. If you don't, nav will be in the top of master layout (yes, outside html).

@extends('master')@section('content')  <nav>    <p>nav content</p>  </nav>@endsection


In this example, the content section is utilizing the @parent directive to append (rather than overwriting) content to the layout's sidebar. The @parent directive will be replaced by the content of the layout when the view is rendered.

@extends('nav')@section('content')  {{-- You can control where @parent should be rendered --}}  @parent  <home>    <p>home content</p>  </home>  {{-- You can put your @parent here, give it a try --}}@endsection


@extends('nav')@section('content')  {{-- You can control where @parent should be rendered --}}  @parent  <breadcrumb>    <p>breadcrumb content</p>  </breadcrumb>  {{-- You can put your @parent here, give it a try --}}@endsection


@extends('breadcrumb')@section('content')  {{-- You can control where @parent should be rendered --}}  @parent  <about>    <p>about content</p>  </about>  {{-- You can put your @parent here, give it a try --}}@endsection



<html><head></head><body>  <nav>    <p>nav content</p>  </nav>  <home>    <p>home content</p>  </home></body></html>


<html><head></head><body>  <nav>    <p>nav content</p>  </nav>  <breadcrumb>    <p>breadcrumb content</p>  </breadcrumb>  <about>    <p>about content</p>  </about></body></html>