Laravel Dusk, how to destroy session data between tests Laravel Dusk, how to destroy session data between tests laravel laravel

Laravel Dusk, how to destroy session data between tests

In my case, tearDown() was not enough, for some reason, a logged users was still persisted between tests, so I placed deleteAllCookies() at setUp().

So, in my DuskTestCase.php I added:

/** * Temporal solution for cleaning up session */protected function setUp(){    parent::setUp();    foreach (static::$browsers as $browser) {        $browser->driver->manage()->deleteAllCookies();    }}

It was the only way I could flush up session around all tests. I hope it helps.

Note: I'm using Homestead and Windows 10.

If you just want to logout your signed in user, after login test, simply use:

 $browser->visit('/login')     ->loginAs(\App\User::find(1))     ...     some assertions     ...     ->logout();

You could flush the session in a tearDown() method:

class LoginTest extends DuskTestCase{    // Your tests    public function tearDown()    {        session()->flush();        parent::tearDown();    }}