Laravel elixir "gulp watch" doesn't watch for Javascript changes Laravel elixir "gulp watch" doesn't watch for Javascript changes laravel laravel

Laravel elixir "gulp watch" doesn't watch for Javascript changes

Maybe (but not sure) problem with webpack.

So try another way of bundling.

For example try this workaround:

elixir(function(mix) {    mix.scripts(['app.js'], 'public/js/app.js');       .sass('app.scss');});

Also check terminal what it outputs, maybe some error happening when it tries to bundle app.js file.

If it will not work, so let's discuss it in comments, because Your problem requires debugging of watcher if it gets event that indicates file changed or not and so on...

maybe OS prevents changing of modification time.

there can be many why-s that prevents that

final recommendation is:

You have to debug "watch" task in gulp and check if it's getting file change event or not. So if NOT - write just Your own task that will check changes and run webpack.