Laravel Eloquent - Encrypting/Decrypt Data on call Laravel Eloquent - Encrypting/Decrypt Data on call laravel laravel

Laravel Eloquent - Encrypting/Decrypt Data on call

It doesn't really make sense to encrypt everything. For example, you never want to encrypt the primary key; that doesn't even make sense. Likewise you probably don't want to encrypt the date fields; you'll lose the ability to perform any sort of SQL query on them.

With that in mind, you can try something like this:

class BaseModel extends Eloquent {    protected $encrypt = [];    public function setAttribute($key, $value)    {        if (in_array($key, $this->encrypt))        {            $value = Crypt::encrypt($value);        }        return parent::setAttribute($key, $value);    }    public function getAttribute($key)    {        if (in_array($key, $this->encrypt))        {            return Crypt::decrypt($this->attributes[$key]);        }        return parent::getAttribute($key);    }    public function attributesToArray()    {        $attributes = parent::attributesToArray();        foreach ($attributes as $key => $value)        {            if (in_array($key, $this->encrypt))            {                $attributes[$key] = Crypt::decrypt($value);            }        }        return $attributes;    }}

then have all you models extend this one, and set the $encrypt property to whatever columns you want encrypted for that particular model.

P.S. If you want to use Eloquent's accessor functionality, you'll have to play with this a bit more.

It's worth mentioning Elocrypt library for Laravel 4. It's a more elaborate solution that works the same way. If you're using Laravel 5 use this one instead: Elocrypt 5.