Laravel Eloquent / fluent Laravel Eloquent / fluent laravel laravel

Laravel Eloquent / fluent

Its very simple.

$pins = Pin::get();foreach($pins as $p){ $pin[] = $p->to_array();}

or if you want to send out JSON object, try using

$pins = Pin::all();return Response::eloquent($pins);

or if you have an Array to be converted to json output than use

return Response::json(array('name' => 'Batman'));

With Laravel 4 you can just do:

//get all pins from dbpublic function index(){  return Pin::all();}//get specific pin from dbpublic function show($id){  return Pin::find($id);}

that will return your data in Json format

Laravel has a built in to_array() function so you could do something like this.

$pins = Pin::all();foreach($pins as $pin) {    $pin_array = $pin->to_array();    /* Do something with pin array here */}

Hope that helps :D