Laravel eloquent get the latest row of related table Laravel eloquent get the latest row of related table laravel laravel

Laravel eloquent get the latest row of related table

Because relationships are separate queries, you can't add a limit to an eager loaded relationship. If you do, this limits the entire relationship query, it does not act as a limit per related object.

Luckily, your requirement can be implemented simply with an additional relationship:

public function latestChapter() {    return $this->hasOne(Chapter::class)->latest();}

Now, instead of eager loading the entire chapters relationship, you can just eager load your new latestChapter relationship.

$books = Book::with(['authors', 'categories', 'latestChapter'])->get();

I know it is an old post, but there are some new solutions and I want to share it with you.In laravel 8, there are new helper functions: latestOfMany , oldestOfMany and ofMany.For your example, you could use:

public function latestChapter() {    return $this->hasOne(Chapter::class)->latestOfMany();}

For those who are not able to upgrade laravel 8.4 to have ->latestOfMany method, hasOne relation can be enhanced with a self join to filter out latest related model per each main model

public function lastchapter(){    return $this->hasOne(Chapter::class)->join(DB::raw("(           SELECT MAX(id) as id, book_id           FROM `books` as `books_sub`           GROUP BY book_id        ) as lastchapters"), function ($join) {        $join->on("", '=', "");    })->whereRaw(' =');}