Laravel email with queue 550 error (too many emails per second) Laravel email with queue 550 error (too many emails per second) laravel laravel

Laravel email with queue 550 error (too many emails per second)

Seems like only Mailtrap sends this error, so either open another account or upgrade to a paid plan.

I finally figured out how to set up the entire Laravel app to throttle mail based on a config.

In the boot() function of AppServiceProvider,

$throttleRate = config('mail.throttleToMessagesPerMin');if ($throttleRate) {    $throttlerPlugin = new \Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin($throttleRate, \Swift_Plugins_ThrottlerPlugin::MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE);    Mail::getSwiftMailer()->registerPlugin($throttlerPlugin);}

In config/mail.php, add this line:

'throttleToMessagesPerMin' => env('MAIL_THROTTLE_TO_MESSAGES_PER_MIN', null), // has a rate limit of 2 emails/sec per inbox, but consider being even more conservative.

In your .env files, add a line like:


The only problem is that it doesn't seem to affect mail sent via the later() function if QUEUE_DRIVER=sync.

For debugging only!
If you don't expect more then 5 emails and don't have the option to change mailtrap, try:

foreach ($emails as $email) {    ...    Mail::send(... $email);                                                                          if(env('MAIL_HOST', false) == ''){        sleep(1); //use usleep(500000) for half a second or less    }}

Using sleep() is a really bad practice. In theory this code should only execute in test environment or in debug mode.