Laravel event RevokeOldToken error Laravel event RevokeOldToken error laravel laravel

Laravel event RevokeOldToken error

You need import that two class in listener.

use Laravel\Passport\Events\AccessTokenCreated;use Laravel\Passport\Events\RefreshTokenCreated;

I think you didn't import them, so laravel think your listener is expecting that two wrong classes, App\Events\Laravel\Passport\Events\AccessTokenCreated and App\Events\Laravel\Passport\Events\AccessTokenCreated


Artisan generates an incorrect use path for the event classes in the listener files so you have to fix them, by removing the App\Events part from the front.


The Generating Events & Listeners subsection under the documentation's Registering Events & Listeners section mentions that the event and listener classes are generated based on the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php class' listen attribute.

This is a nice feature, but there is a little problem with it: if the array's keys (the event file paths) in the $listen attribute reference an event from the vendor folder (Laravel\Passport\Events in this case) then in the generated listener file, the imported event's path will be prefixed with App\Events\. This is the thing that you have to remove.

Because of this, the use path now references a non existing class that doesn't raise an error like "using non existing class", so when the code gets executed and the event is fired, then thanks to the mappings in the EventServiceProvider.php file, the proper event listener will be found for the event, but when the listener's handle method is called with the event, it will raise a type error (which is a PHP thing), because the argument's type hinting references a different (non existing) class.

Catching the bug in action

If we dig deep into the framework, we can find the Illuminate/Foundation/Console/EventGenerateCommand.php class the gets executed when you call php artisan event:generate. You can see that it parses the EventServiceProvider class' listen attribute then starts to generate event and listener files.

The listener generation will happen in the Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ListenerMakeCommand.php file, that will create the generated file based on the stub found in Illuminate/Foundation/Console/stubs/listener.stub.

The dummy import path will be replaced in the buildClass function. The new path has been calculated just before the replace took place and that is where the error happens:

if (! Str::startsWith($event, [    $this->laravel->getNamespace(),    'Illuminate',    '\\',])) {    $event = $this->laravel->getNamespace().'Events\\'.$event;}

In our case $event will start with Laravel\Passport\Events and not with App\, Illuminate or \ so the path will be prefixed with App\Events\. That is the thing you should remove in the generated files.

I hope this is official enough.