Laravel Homestead Installation: bash not working Laravel Homestead Installation: bash not working laravel laravel

Laravel Homestead Installation: bash not working

I ran into this problem well. You need to hop into your terminal (I am on Mac.)

  • Type into your console: cd ~/Homestead
  • and to make sure you are in your newly generated Homestead folder (you can always click Finder > your home directory > Homestead to confirm it's where it should be),
  • then while in terminal simply type ls -- if it lists all of the files like Vagrantfile, composer.lock and bash, you should be in.

Once you know you are in the correct Homestead folder, it is now at that point in which you run bash

After doing this it now says Homestead initialized!

.sh is a unix/linux script executable, that isn't recognized on Windows. There's a init.bat included in the package, but it isn't referenced in the tutorial.

Just run init.bat from the command line. It will copy the files to:


You need install Git Bash, and then run commands into Git Bash.