Laravel : How to get random image from directory? Laravel : How to get random image from directory? laravel laravel

Laravel : How to get random image from directory?

In Laravel you need to use Storage to work with filesystem.

$files = Storage::allFiles($directory);$randomFile = $files[rand(0, count($files) - 1)];

You can use allFiles method of Laravel to get all the files and get one of the images using your random logic.


Actually, you can use Laravel Filesystem but to make it completely working, you've to setup the configuration. For example, the following code will not work:

$dir = 'images'; // public/images$files = \Storage::allFiles($dir);

Because, the Filesystem uses configuration from config/filesystems.php where you may have something like this:

'disks' => [    'local' => [        'driver' => 'local',        'root' => storage_path('app'),    ],    // ...]

By default, Laravel uses local disk and it points to a different path. So, to make it working, you've to setup your disk in the config, for example, add the following entry into the array:

'web' => [    'driver' => 'local',    'root' => base_path('public'),],

Then, you may use something like this:

$dir = 'images'; // public/imagesif($files = \Storage::disk('web')->allFiles('images')) {    $path = $files[array_rand($files)];}

To use this $path in your view use <img src="{{asset($path)}}">. Check more here.