Laravel: how to use derived tables / subqueries in the laravel query builder Laravel: how to use derived tables / subqueries in the laravel query builder laravel laravel

Laravel: how to use derived tables / subqueries in the laravel query builder

Your first try looks pretty close. Try this:

I removed the long namespace reference and suggest you add a use statement to make your code more readable

$productIds = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];$subQuery = DB::table('attribute_options AS counted')->selectRaw(', counted.attribute_id, counted.value, count(counted.attribute_id) AS product_count')                ->whereIn('counted.product_id', $productIds)                ->groupBy('counted.attribute_option_id')$query = AttributeOption::selectRaw('IFNULL(counted.product_count, 0) AS product_count, uncounted.value, uncounted.attribute_id, uncounted.attribute_option_id')                ->from(\DB::raw(' ( ' . $subQuery->toSql() . ' ) AS counted '))                ->mergeBindings($subQuery->getQuery())                ->rightJoin('attribute_options AS uncounted', '', '=', '')                ->groupBy('attribute_option_id')                ->get();