Laravel - Javascript can not find images when path changes Laravel - Javascript can not find images when path changes laravel laravel

Laravel - Javascript can not find images when path changes

As @ITroubs pointed out, if you have the javascript code inside a blade template (<script> tag) you can and should use asset() to generate the URLs. But don't forget the extra quotes so javascript interprets it as string.

$.backstretch([    "{{ asset('img/header-tt-big.jpg') }}",    "{{ asset('img/header-soccer-big.jpg') }}"]

However if you have the javascript code in separate .js files (which is actually recommended) you can't do that. Instead I suggest you define a assetBaseUrl in your layout blade template before the javascript code that needs it:

<script>    var assetBaseUrl = "{{ asset('') }}";</script>


$.backstretch([    assetBaseUrl + "img/header-tt-big.jpg",    assetBaseUrl + "img/header-soccer-big.jpg"]

If you use blade then write the backstretch like this:

$.backstretch([    "{{asset("img/header-tt-big.jpg")}}",    "{{asset("img/header-soccer-big.jpg")}}"]

Okay I added the script as inline in a script-tag. But i did put it in a seperate file like p1-inline.blade.php. So i can just include that one. Thank you ;)