Laravel log level, how is different? Laravel log level, how is different? laravel laravel

Laravel log level, how is different?

When you set the log level, only the level big or equal than the setted level will be logged.

You can refer to the laravel doc log-severity-levels,

When using Monolog, log messages may have different levels of severity. By default, Laravel writes all log levels to storage. However, in your production environment, you may wish to configure the minimum severity that should be logged by adding the log_level option to your app.php configuration file.

Once this option has been configured, Laravel will log all levels greater than or equal to the specified severity. For example, a default log_level of error will log error, critical, alert, and emergency messages:

'log_level' => env('APP_LOG_LEVEL', 'error'),

Monolog recognizes the following severity levels - from least severe to most severe: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency.