Laravel Messed up Homestead Permissions Laravel Messed up Homestead Permissions laravel laravel

Laravel Messed up Homestead Permissions

I've figured it out, for some reason in my /bootstrap/cache directory, laravel was referencing paths on my host machine instead of my vagrant box, clearing this directory did the trick for me. For some reason php artisan cache:clear didn't clear these files.

I've also set up a provisioning script to delete these files for me everytime i provision my Vagrant Box.

# Remove Cache Files (because old cache files can cause issues from time to time)  [Keep .gitignore in all Directories]sudo find "$APPPATH/bootstrap/cache" ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm -f {} +sudo find "$APPPATH/storage/framework/cache" ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm -f {} +sudo find "$APPPATH/storage/framework/sessions" ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm -f {} +sudo find "$APPPATH/storage/framework/testing" ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm -f {} +sudo find "$APPPATH/storage/framework/views" ! -name '.gitignore' -type f -exec rm -f {} +