Laravel not using https for assets and dynamic routes Laravel not using https for assets and dynamic routes laravel laravel

Laravel not using https for assets and dynamic routes

The asset() helper relies on a couple possibilities to determine whether to make a HTTP or HTTPS URL:

  • $_SERVER['HTTPS'] being on. This is Apache's way of doing things. For nginx, you can set that server param yourself in the config.
  • $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] being https.

If you're behind a load balancer, it's probably sending the X-Forwarded-Proto header, but Laravel doesn't trust it by default because it can be set by a malicious user in some cases. You can tell Laravel to trust this header coming from your load balancer using the TrustedProxy package. (edit: This is now built into Laravel)

See also: Symfony2: getScheme does not return 'https' (Laravel uses Symfony's getScheme() function for this)

in .env file please change the value local to production
