Laravel Query Builder - sum() method issue Laravel Query Builder - sum() method issue laravel laravel

Laravel Query Builder - sum() method issue

You don't need to use select() or get() when using the aggregate method as sum:

$purchases = DB::table('transactions')    ->join('categories', 'transactions.category_id', '=', '')    ->where('categories.kind', '=', 1)    ->sum('transactions.amount');

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If one needs to select SUM of a column along with a normal selection of other columns, you can sum select that column using DB::raw method:

DB::table('table_name')    ->select('column_str_1', 'column_str_2', DB::raw('SUM(column_int_1) AS sum_of_1'))    ->get();

You can get some of any column in Laravel query builder/Eloquent as below.

$data=Model::where('user_id','=',$id)->sum('movement');return $data;

You may add any condition to your record.Thanks