laravel redirect with white screen and message "redirecting to..." breaks posts laravel redirect with white screen and message "redirecting to..." breaks posts laravel laravel

laravel redirect with white screen and message "redirecting to..." breaks posts

I had exactly the same error, and I tried all type of solutions: nginx, filtering, spaces at the end of files.

After several hours, I decided to look for spaces at the end of files again, and that was it: Right after the Auth::attempt, I was setting up a Session variable using a Model that had a line break after ?>

This was causing Laravel to show the "Redirecting to..." message, and because it was shown, the session was lost, so the user was not logged in.

This was a Server error only, on my Localhost it always worked fine with spaces.

Hope it helps

You can redirect without losing the input with withInput():


I had exactly the same error and tried all the solutions given in the other answers but with no result. After a while I made a discovery the problem was occurring because I had to much logic in my App::before filter.

I tried to relocate the logic but that didn't work well either, so the only options I had left was executing the logic after the page load or just remove it and trying to find an other way.