Laravel redirects to a route but then apache gives 404 error Laravel redirects to a route but then apache gives 404 error laravel laravel

Laravel redirects to a route but then apache gives 404 error

The problem might come from a module in your Apache server called rewrite windows you can just uncomment this line from your httpd.conf

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and enabled it using

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Try these with an Apache restart.It might work for you as well.

After adding

AllowOverride All

to the vhost configuration, got it working. Probably the default configuration wasn't allowing the redirects?

Here's my final (and working) vhost configuration:

DocumentRoot /var/www/sitefolder/public ServerName <Directory /var/www/sitefolder/public>  AllowOverride All  allow from all  Options +Indexes</Directory>

For VirtualHost

Only add these lines into httpd.conf of your apache:

<Directory /var/www/sitefolder/public>  AllowOverride All  allow from all  Options +Indexes</Directory>

Or you can replace the first line with:

<Directory />

And if all doesn't work, you can try:

<Directory />    Options FollowSymLinks    AllowOverride All    Require all granted</Directory>