Laravel SMTP Email Laravel SMTP Email laravel laravel

Laravel SMTP Email

you can put your email and name in Input

Input::merge(array('email'=>'','name'=>'sample_name')); Mail::send('emails.welcome', 'Laravel Admin', function($msg) {   $msg->from('', 'Laravel Admin');   $msg->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('name'))->subject('You have');});

also change 'encryption'

return array(    'driver' => 'smtp',    'host' => '',    'port' => 465,    'from' => array('address' => '', 'name' => 'Sample'),    'encryption' => 'ssl',    'username' => '',    'password' => 'sample password',    'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',    'pretend' => false,);

You should change 'encryption' for ssl and in your gmail must be enabled IMAP access in config

When you are having problems with sending mails via gmail, try this. It worked for me.

Login with your gmail account and then go to:

and click continue. Then, you have few minutes to send your mail with your code.After this, Google will allow sign in to that account from the new source.