Laravel - Testing what happens after a redirect Laravel - Testing what happens after a redirect laravel laravel

Laravel - Testing what happens after a redirect

You can get PHPUnit to follow redirects with:

Laravel >= 5.5.19:


Laravel < 5.4.12:



$response = $this->followingRedirects()    ->post('/login', ['email' => ''])    ->assertStatus(200);

Note: This needs to be set explicitly for each request.

For versions between these two:

See for a workaround.

You can tell crawler to follow a redirect this way:

$crawler = $this->client->followRedirect();

so in your case that would be something like:

public function testMessageSucceeds() {    $this->client->request('POST', '/contact', ['email' => '', 'message' => "lorem ipsum"]);    $this->assertResponseStatus(302);    $this->assertRedirectedToRoute('home');    $crawler = $this->client->followRedirect();    $message = $crawler->filter('.success-message');    $this->assertCount(1, $message);}

Since Laravel 5.5 to test redirect you can use assertRedirect:

/** @test */public function store_creates_claim(){    $response = $this->post(route(''), [        'first_name' => 'Joe',    ]);    $response->assertRedirect(route('claims.index'));}