laravel uuid not showing in query laravel uuid not showing in query laravel laravel

laravel uuid not showing in query

Eloquent makes the assumption that the primary key (which is named id by default) is an integer, and it casts it to int by default in the getCasts method:

public function getCasts(){    if ($this->incrementing) {        return array_merge([            $this->getKeyName() => 'int',        ], $this->casts);    }    return $this->casts;}

This can be overwritten by specifying that the primary key is not auto incrementing by adding this to your model:

$incrementing = false;

Or by casting the id column to string in the $casts property of the model, like so:

protected $casts = [    'id' => 'string']

As described in the Eloquent: Attribute Casting documentation.