Load an HTML file directly from public folder as View in Laravel Load an HTML file directly from public folder as View in Laravel laravel laravel

Load an HTML file directly from public folder as View in Laravel

Just place the wedding folder directly inside the public folder:

mv wedding/ /path/to/laravel/public

Then visit your site URL with a wedding suffix:


This will load the index.html from inside the wedding folder.

This works via Nginx's try_files directive in your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-site config file:

location / {    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;}

This instructs Nginx to first search for an actual file corresponding to the URL (for example, /css/app.css, /wedding/index.html, etc). If it does not find a matching file (e.g. it would normally return a 404 not found), then it should instead pass the query string as an argument to the index.php script.

Load static files from controller using File Facade

use File;return File::get(public_path() . '/to new folder name/index.html');

One solution is to rename your wedding invitation's index.html to index.php and place it within your resources/views folder, so that it becomes a Laravel template.

cd path/to/laravelmkdir resources/views/weddingmv public/wedding/index.html resources/views/wedding/index.php

Then you can call it from your controller as you wish:

public function index(){    return view('wedding.index');}

Of course with this method you'll have to ensure any CSS/JavaScript/image urls are properly mapped to their respective locations within the public/ folder.