No hint path defined for [mail] Laravel 5.4 No hint path defined for [mail] Laravel 5.4 laravel laravel

No hint path defined for [mail] Laravel 5.4

You need to call the markdown() method in the build() method of your mailable - not the view() method. See the example below:

/** * Build the message. * * @return $this */public function build(){    return $this->markdown('view-to-mail');}

To use Markdown mailable messages, you have to update the build method of your Mailable class and instead of view(), you have to use markdown().

Like this:

public function build(){    return $this->markdown('emails.registered');}

If you have a View not found issue with laravel mail. After trying the accepted answer and it doesn't work, check yourtemplate.blade.php markdown file and ensure you are not closing @endcomponent twice without a opening @component