Passing 2 Parameters to Laravel Routes - Resources Passing 2 Parameters to Laravel Routes - Resources laravel laravel

Passing 2 Parameters to Laravel Routes - Resources

As far as I know about resources

Route::resource('files', 'FileController');

The above mentioned resource will route the following urls.

Few Actions Handled By Resource Controller for your Route::resource('files', 'FileController');

Route::get('files',FileController@index) // get req will be routed to the index() function in your controllerRoute::get('files/{val}',FileController@show) // get req with val will be routed to the show() function in your controllerRoute::post('files',FileController@store) // post req will be routed to the store() function in your controllerRoute::put('files/{id}',FileController@update) // put req with id will be routed to the update() function in your controllerRoute::delete('files',FileController@destroy) // delete req will be routed to the destroy() function in your controller

the single resource Mentioned above will do all the listed routing

Apart from those you have to write your custom route

In your scenario of

Route::group(['prefix' => 'project'], function(){  Route::group(['prefix' => '{project_id}'], function($project_id){    // Files    Route::resource('files', 'FileController');  });});

if its a get request will be routed to FileController@index
if its a post request will be routed to FileController@store

if your "" is changed to "" (file to files)then the following rooting will occur...

if its a get request will be routed to FileController@show
if its a put request will be routed to FileController@update
if its a delete request will be routed to FileController@destroy

and it has no impact on any other urls you have mentioned

Provided, you need to have RESTful Resource Controllers

For the request like '/project/100/file/56968', you must specify your route like this:

Route::resource('project.file', 'FileController');

And then you can get parameters at the show method of the controller:

public function show($project, $file) {    dd([        '$project' => $project,        '$file' => $file    ]);}

The result of this example will be:

array:2 [▼  "$project" => "100"  "$file" => "56968"]