PHP Carbon class changing my original variable value PHP Carbon class changing my original variable value laravel laravel

PHP Carbon class changing my original variable value

When you run these methods against a Carbon object it updates the object itself. Therefore addDay() moves the value of Carbon one day forward.

Here's what you need to do:

$now = Carbon::now();$now->copy()->addDay();$now->copy()->addMonth();$now->copy()->addYear();// etc...

The copy method essentially creates a new Carbon object which you can then apply the changes to without affecting the original $now variable.

To sum up, the methods for copying a Carbon instance are:

  • copy
  • clone - an alias of copy

Check out the documentation:

The problem is that you're assuming that subDay()/addDay() don't change the date object, whereas they do.... they're just wrapping around the DateTime object modify() method:

DateTime::modify -- date_modify — Alters the timestamp

(my emphasis)

Instead, use

$navDays = [    '-7Days' => (clone $date)->subDay('7')->toDateString(),    '-1Day'  => (clone $date)->subDay('1')->toDateString(),    'Today'  => (clone $date)->today()->toDateString(),    '+1Day'  => (clone $date)->addDay('1')->toDateString(),    '+7Days' => (clone $date)->addDay('7')->toDateString()];

Doco says

You can also create a copy() of an existing Carbon instance. As expected the date, time and timezone values are all copied to the new instance.

$dt = Carbon::now();echo $dt->diffInYears($dt->copy()->addYear());  // 1// $dt was unchanged and still holds the value of Carbon:now()