Run Raw Query using mongoDB Jenssegers Laravel Run Raw Query using mongoDB Jenssegers Laravel laravel laravel

Run Raw Query using mongoDB Jenssegers Laravel

This is my first day with Mongodb (Laravel Jensseger), and I was lucky enough to figure it out. So, I wanted to query my Messages model:

// This is the SQL version$unreadMessageCount = Message::selectRaw('from_id as sender_id, count(from_id) as messages_count')   ->where('to_id', auth()->id())   ->where('read', false)   ->groupBy('from')   ->get();// This is the Mongo version. The solution was figuring out the 'aggregate' concept in Mongo$unreadMessageCount = Message::raw(function($collection){    return $collection->aggregate([    [      '$match' => [        'to_id' => auth()->id()      ]    ],        [            '$group' => [                '_id' => '$from_id',                'messages_count' => [                    '$sum' => 1                ]            ]        ]    ]);});

Hope this helps.

In the Laravel Jenssegers Library in a section Raw Expressions is described want to create a raw expression.The raw expression accept an array object of condition. In your example the find method isn't right.