Sortable on null id in laravel Sortable on null id in laravel laravel laravel

Sortable on null id in laravel

It might be because you aren't protecting agaisnt csrf, which is mandatory when doing a post request so, as laravel docs explain you could solve by adding this to your html:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">

Then in your ajax you would only need to append it as a header.

$.ajax({        headers: {            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')        },        url: '/categorysort/'+ itemID ,        type: 'POST',        dataType: 'json',        data: {itemID: itemID, itemIndex: itemIndex},      });

Also you are only recieving 1 id so I guess that what you are trying to do is sort depending on the parent, therefore you should only select the li with parent class, that way your controller will recieve 1 id instead of 2 because what you are doing right now is /categorysort/{parentId}/{childId} and what you would need is /categorysort/{id}, so instead of selecting all categories just select the top parent categories:

$.map($(this).find('.parent'), function(el)

After see your comments about encodeURI(itemID), I know the problem is your route.php.

I'm getting 404 error on network

You need to update your route with optional parameters :

Route::post(    // Add {second_id?}. This is an "optional parameter".    'categorysort/{first_id}/{second_id?}',     'CategoryController@UpdatecategoryparentByAjax')->name('categorysort');

So, you can access :

  • mydomain.test/categorysort/1
  • mydomain.test/categorysort/1/2

If you need 3rd id, add more optional parameters like this :

Route::post(    'categorysort/{first_id}/{second_id?}/{third_id?}',     'CategoryController@UpdatecategoryparentByAjax')->name('categorysort');

So, you can access :

  • mydomain.test/categorysort/1
  • mydomain.test/categorysort/1/2
  • mydomain.test/categorysort/1/2/3

If you want to make first_id do the same thing, just add ? after first_id like {first_id?}.

My function doesn't support null category_id

After update your route, your just need call :

public function UpdatecategoryparentByAjax(Request $request, $first_id, $second_id, $third_id){    // $first_id      access your 1st ID    // $second_id     access your 2nd ID     // $third_id      access your 3rd ID    // Do some logic here..}