Switch in Laravel 5 - Blade Switch in Laravel 5 - Blade laravel laravel

Switch in Laravel 5 - Blade

Updated 2020 Answer

Since Laravel 5.5 the @switch is built into the Blade. Use it as shown below.

@switch($login_error)    @case(1)        <span> `E-mail` input is empty!</span>        @break    @case(2)        <span>`Password` input is empty!</span>        @break    @default        <span>Something went wrong, please try again</span>@endswitch

Older Answer

Unfortunately Laravel Blade does not have switch statement. You can use Laravel if else approach or use use plain PHP switch. You can use plain PHP in blade templates like in any other PHP application. Starting from Laravel 5.2 and up use @php statement.

Option 1:

@if ($login_error == 1)    `E-mail` input is empty!@elseif ($login_error == 2)    `Password` input is empty!@endif

You can just add these code in AppServiceProvider class boot method.

Blade::extend(function($value, $compiler){        $value = preg_replace('/(\s*)@switch\((.*)\)(?=\s)/', '$1<?php switch($2):', $value);        $value = preg_replace('/(\s*)@endswitch(?=\s)/', '$1endswitch; ?>', $value);        $value = preg_replace('/(\s*)@case\((.*)\)(?=\s)/', '$1case $2: ?>', $value);        $value = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)@default(?=\s)/', 'default: ?>', $value);        $value = preg_replace('/(?<=\s)@breakswitch(?=\s)/', '<?php break;', $value);        return $value;    });

then you can use as:

@switch( $item )    @case( condition_1 )        // do something    @breakswitch    @case( condition_2 )        // do something else    @breakswitch    @default        // do default behaviour    @breakswitch@endswitch

Enjoy It~


Write your usual code between the opening and closing PHP statements.

@phpswitch (x) {    case 1:        //code to be executed        break;    default:        //code to be executed}@endphp