Upload multiple files via AngularJS to Laravel Controller Upload multiple files via AngularJS to Laravel Controller laravel laravel

Upload multiple files via AngularJS to Laravel Controller

I've done several angular 1 projects and also find it is not simple to upload files via $http api. Hope below code snippet which i used in my projects may help you.

$scope.store = function() {  var formData = new FormData();  // add normal properties, the name should be the same as  // what you would use in a html form  formData.append('model[name]', $scope.name);  formData.append('model[type]', $scope.type);  // add files to form data.  for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files; i++) {    formData.append('file' + i, $scope.files[i]);  }  // Don't forget the config object below  $http.post('/image/store', formData, {    transformRequest: angular.identity,    headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}  }).then(function() {    // ...  });};

Here some suggestions for you:

  1. Make the Content-type sets to multipart/form-data to set the content type to something like.... "it has some part in it, please make sure you get it properly" thing.
  2. Use Axios. Here's a working examples (if you didn't use Axios, this example are good too). Example to Axios on Uploading File.

You can use FormData instead

var formData = new FormData();  formData.append('model[var]', $scope.var);  // For add to the FormData other file  for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files; i++) {    formData.append('file' + i, $scope.files[i]);  } // POST REQUEST MUST BE:  $http.post('url', formData, {    transformRequest: angular.identity,  //It is for allowing files    headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}    }).then(function(response)   {    // verify if response get 200  });