Vue component not showing up in laravel Vue component not showing up in laravel laravel laravel

Vue component not showing up in laravel

Your code is correct, but it seems that you forgot to include loading css/js files in your HTML.

Add this to the <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}" /><script defer src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>

I also suggest using npm run hot (or yarn hot), that will add hot code reload.

Try the following code by adding the default property :

Vue.component('category-index', require('./components/CategoryIndex.vue').default);

or try this :

 .... import SupplierCodeSelection from './components/SupplierCodeSelection.vue'  const app = new Vue({       el: '#app',       components:{'supplier-code-selection':SupplierCodeSelection }     });


     <script>        export default {          name:'supplier-code-selection',            mounted() {                console.log('Component mounted.')            }        }    </script>

Simply add .default:

 Vue.component('supplier-code-selection', require('./components/SupplierCodeSelection.vue').default);