vue.js Giving a value to a href in a <a> tag vue.js Giving a value to a href in a <a> tag laravel laravel

vue.js Giving a value to a href in a <a> tag

You've defined data() as a function, but it isn't returning anything. It should return an object with the data like so:

export default {    data() {        return {            url: ''        }    }}

Then either of these will work:

<a href="{{url}}">{{ url }}</a><a v-bind:href="url">{{ url }}</a>


Interpolating variables in attributes is no longer recommended. Change:

<a href="{{url}}">{{ url }}</a>

To one of these:

<a :href="url">{{ url }}</a><a v-bind:href="url">{{ url }}</a>

Try this:

<div id="app">   <a href="{{ url }}">{{ url }}</a></div><script src=""></script><script>  new Vue({    el: '#app', // Vue.js will just work inside the div with id of app    data: {      url: ''     }  });</script>

realy simple:

<a :href="'mailto:' + email">{{email}}</a>