Vuejs js for multiple pages, not for a single page application Vuejs js for multiple pages, not for a single page application laravel laravel

Vuejs js for multiple pages, not for a single page application

If you want to sprinkle a bit of vuejs within your blade files you have basically two options:

Option #1

Declare global Vue components


// in laravel built in app.js fileVue.component('foo', require('./components/Foo.vue'));Vue.component('bar', require('./components/Bar.vue'));const app = new Vue({    el: '#app'});

create a main layout file where the root div has an id of #app

// layout.blade.php<html>  <header></header>  <body>    <div id="app">      @yield('content')    </div>  </body></html>

Finally in your views:

//some-view.blade.php@extends('layout')@section('content') <foo :prop="{{ $someVarFromController }}"></foo>@endsection

Option #2

This is what I am currently using, and gives me more flexibility actually

// in laravel built in app.js fileconst app = new Vue({    el: '#app',    components: {      Foo: require('./components/Foo.vue'),      Bar: require('./components/Bar.vue')    }});

In the layout file you will be using vuejs dynamic components

<html>  <header></header>  <body>    <div id="app">      @if (isset($component))        <component :is={{ $component }} inline-template>      @endif         @yield('content')     @if (isset($component))       </component>     @endif    </div>  </body></html>

In your views:

//some-view.blade.php@extends('layout', ['component' => 'foo'])@section('content')   // all the vue stuff available in blade   // don't forget to use the @ symbol every time you don't want blade to parse the expression.  // Example: @{{ some.vue.propertie }}@endsection

And finally you can create the vue components like you always would

// resources/assets/js/components/foo.vue<script>export default { // the component}</script>

  1. Create your 'app' for every page in seperate JS files. Good practice would be using the same name as page name to get it clear where it belongs.
  2. Name you main div the same as the file (fileName.php + assets/js/fileName.js).
  3. Use #fileName' as yourel`
  4. in blade use @{{ vue expressions }} to let Blade skip this and allow VueJS handle that.

Done. Good luck!