VueJs page gives 404 on refresh VueJs page gives 404 on refresh laravel laravel

VueJs page gives 404 on refresh

Assuming your entry point is the index method of your HomeController,you just need to add this route at the bottom of your routes/web.php file.

Route::get('{any}', function () {    return view('homepage');})->where('any','.*');

This isn't an issue with Vue.

When I visit the webpage (the first post on your website), I get a 404 error from the server itself. Same with anything else on /post/

That means your route handler isn't sending the relevant Vue index or code when a route matches. Ensure it does this with either the /post/ URL or just add a catch-all handler at the bottom of your default route handler:

Route::get("{any}", "DefaultHandler@myMethod")->where("any", ".*");

add in the bottom of web.php

Route::get('{path}', 'HomeController@dashboard')->where('path','([A-z\d\-\/_.]+)?')`