Why "no such file or directory ... autoload.php" when accessing Laravel app? Why "no such file or directory ... autoload.php" when accessing Laravel app? laravel laravel

Why "no such file or directory ... autoload.php" when accessing Laravel app?

Did you install Laravel's dependencies? When you unzip the framework in your work environment (i.g. htdocs) you must install the necesary dependencies with the command php composer.phar install (assuming you have installed composer and git). When that is done, you will be able to see the home page of the framework.

I had same problem on Windows(Also works for Mac).


  1. Install composer
  2. Open cmd
  3. Navigate to your laravel application root
  4. Run composer install command in cmd


This message occurs for Laravel's dependencies.If never run composer install in your project then run this command on the terminal.Else run composer update --no-scripts. All Laravel dependencies will download.