[01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/local/easysoft/oracle/InstantClient112/lib/libsqora.so' : file not found [01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/local/easysoft/oracle/InstantClient112/lib/libsqora.so' : file not found linux linux

[01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/local/easysoft/oracle/InstantClient112/lib/libsqora.so' : file not found

This error is misleading:

The file that the error claimed was not present did exist.

I was able to chase down the actual missing file by executing:

# ldd /path/to/your/socalled/missing/file.so

This returned a series of files and one said:

libodbcinst.so.2 => not found

That is was the culprit for me. I then created the link that I needed and voila, the error went away.

ref: http://mailman.unixodbc.org/pipermail/unixodbc-support/2011-November/003018.html

Instant client doesn't have a lib directory. If you've downloaded the instantclient-odbc-linux package and unzipped that in the same location as the basic package then the libsqora.so.11.1 file will be durectly under /usr/local/easysoft/oracle/InstantClient112.

So your .ini should point to:


Note the extension though; you might want to soft-link that to libsqora.so. If you've moved the .so files into a subdirectory after unzipping (?) then you'd need:


It looks like you've reoriganised the instant client files after unzipping, creating a lib directory. I'm not sure if that will directly cause you problems. But you also haven't set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as the installation instructions suggest:

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the appropriate Instant Client packages for your platform. All installations REQUIRE the Basic package.

  2. Unzip the packages into a single directory such as "instantclient".

  3. Set the library loading path in your environment to the directory in Step 2 ("instantclient"). On many UNIX platforms, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the appropriate environment variable. On Windows, PATH should be used.

  4. Start your application and enjoy.

Clearly step (4) isn't working for you yet, but I think that's because you haven't done step (3); and I think as you've split the files - which might itself cause an issue - you may need to include both .../InstantClient112 and .../InstantClient112/lib in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. And make sure the modified value is exported. I'm not sure why you'd want to rearrange the files though.

sudo apt-get install libaio1 libaio-dev