A good Linux based text editor, with FTP editing, and ability to keep alive ftp connection [closed] A good Linux based text editor, with FTP editing, and ability to keep alive ftp connection [closed] linux linux

A good Linux based text editor, with FTP editing, and ability to keep alive ftp connection [closed]

You can achieve remote editing with any editor when using some Fuse based FTP-filesystem.

For example:http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/

curlftpfs -o user=username:password ftp.example.com /my/mount/point

More preferably you should use SSH and SSHFS if possible.http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html

For the editor I would recommend Geany or even Eclipse.

You should also checkout JetBrains' PHPStromhttp://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/

Geany does everything but the remote connection, but that's what GVFS is for.

GVim/Vim supports ftp & ssh/scp (read here and here)

Emacs is seemed to support them also (read here)

General format is: protocol:user@host#port:dir/file