Alpine apk: List all available package versions Alpine apk: List all available package versions linux linux

Alpine apk: List all available package versions

The command list the info from the lastest branch and Alpine manage package version in different branches for example v3.5, v3.6.... v3.10

The apk utility can install packages from multiple repositories. The list of repositories to check is stored in /etc/apk/repositories, one repository per line.

You can search for the version here


So if you are interested to add the version bash4.3 the should tell the branch name while adding the older version or from other branchers rather then the latest one.

apk add  --no-cache --repository bash=4.3.46-r5

So if you run

apk add  --no-cache --repository && apk info bash

You will get the version info from two different branches.

The GNU Bourne Again shellbash-4.3.46-r5 webpage: installed size:700416bash-5.0.0-r0 description:The GNU Bourne Again shellbash-5.0.0-r0 webpage: installed size:1200128