Cannot install extensions in visual Studio code Cannot install extensions in visual Studio code linux linux

Cannot install extensions in visual Studio code

It is really strange but after few reboots I successfully installed extansion. I did not know what caused the problem, but it works fine now.

After it failed in the gui, I was able to install it with the code command line option.

code --install-extension lukehoban.Go

This is not a definitive answer, just "it worked for me."

For OS X users who have this issue, install code here: How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on OSX?

It looks like VS Code is not installed for being used as admin in linux, and it means that by default the extensions folder doesn't have permissions to write, so when a user tries to install specific extension, it's not allowed.

What I did was the following, but you can modify the permissions as you prefer:

sudo chmod 777 -R $HOME/.vscode/extensions/

I hope it helps to some linux users.