Count lines in large files Count lines in large files linux linux

Count lines in large files

Try: sed -n '$=' filename

Also cat is unnecessary: wc -l filename is enough in your present way.

Your limiting speed factor is the I/O speed of your storage device, so changing between simple newlines/pattern counting programs won't help, because the execution speed difference between those programs are likely to be suppressed by the way slower disk/storage/whatever you have.

But if you have the same file copied across disks/devices, or the file is distributed among those disks, you can certainly perform the operation in parallel. I don't know specifically about this Hadoop, but assuming you can read a 10gb the file from 4 different locations, you can run 4 different line counting processes, each one in one part of the file, and sum their results up:

$ dd bs=4k count=655360 if=/path/to/copy/on/disk/1/file | wc -l &$ dd bs=4k skip=655360 count=655360 if=/path/to/copy/on/disk/2/file | wc -l &$ dd bs=4k skip=1310720 count=655360 if=/path/to/copy/on/disk/3/file | wc -l &$ dd bs=4k skip=1966080 if=/path/to/copy/on/disk/4/file | wc -l &

Notice the & at each command line, so all will run in parallel; dd works like cat here, but allow us to specify how many bytes to read (count * bs bytes) and how many to skip at the beginning of the input (skip * bs bytes). It works in blocks, hence, the need to specify bs as the block size. In this example, I've partitioned the 10Gb file in 4 equal chunks of 4Kb * 655360 = 2684354560 bytes = 2.5GB, one given to each job, you may want to setup a script to do it for you based on the size of the file and the number of parallel jobs you will run. You need also to sum the result of the executions, what I haven't done for my lack of shell script ability.

If your filesystem is smart enough to split big file among many devices, like a RAID or a distributed filesystem or something, and automatically parallelize I/O requests that can be paralellized, you can do such a split, running many parallel jobs, but using the same file path, and you still may have some speed gain.

EDIT:Another idea that occurred to me is, if the lines inside the file have the same size, you can get the exact number of lines by dividing the size of the file by the size of the line, both in bytes. You can do it almost instantaneously in a single job. If you have the mean size and don't care exactly for the the line count, but want an estimation, you can do this same operation and get a satisfactory result much faster than the exact operation.

On a multi-core server, use GNU parallel to count file lines in parallel. After each files line count is printed, bc sums all line counts.

find . -name '*.txt' | parallel 'wc -l {}' 2>/dev/null | paste -sd+ - | bc

To save space, you can even keep all files compressed. The following line uncompresses each file and counts its lines in parallel, then sums all counts.

find . -name '*.xz' | parallel 'xzcat {} | wc -l' 2>/dev/null | paste -sd+ - | bc