Datastax Python cassandra driver build fails on Ubuntu Datastax Python cassandra driver build fails on Ubuntu linux linux

Datastax Python cassandra driver build fails on Ubuntu

This is duplicate of this question: undefined symbol: PyException_Check

I answered it there but here is copy of the answer as I can't comment.

Latest version of Cython (0.25) released today broke cassandra-driver.

Workaround for this issue it to install Cython==0.24.1 before installing cassandra-driver.

(env) $ pip install Cython==0.24.1(env) $ pip install cassandra-driver

You may need to remove existing cassandra-driver package first from site-packages:

rm -r $WHERE_PYTHON_IS_INSTALLED/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cassandra*

See for more information

We just released a patch version 3.7.1 to fix that issue caused by the new version of Cython. Upgrade your cassandra-driver:

    pip install --upgrade cassandra-driver