Delete all files except the newest 3 in bash script Delete all files except the newest 3 in bash script linux linux

Delete all files except the newest 3 in bash script

This will list all files except the newest three:

ls -t | tail -n +4

This will delete those files:

ls -t | tail -n +4 | xargs rm --

This will also list dotfiles:

ls -At | tail -n +4

and delete with dotfiles:

ls -At | tail -n +4 | xargs rm --

But beware: parsing ls can be dangerous when the filenames contain funny characters like newlines or spaces. If you are certain that your filenames do not contain funny characters then parsing ls is quite safe, even more so if it is a one time only script.

If you are developing a script for repeated use then you should most certainly not parse the output of ls and use the methods described here:

Solution without problems with "ls" (strange named files)

This is a combination of ceving's and anubhava's answer.Both solutions are not working for me. Because I was looking for a script that should run every day for backing up files in an archive, I wanted to avoid problems with ls (someone could have saved some funny named file in my backup folder). So I modified the mentioned solutions to fit my needs.

My solution deletes all files, except the three newest files.

find . -type f -printf '%T@\t%p\n' |sort -t $'\t' -g | head -n -3 | cut -d $'\t' -f 2- |xargs rm

Some explanation:

find lists all files (not directories) in current folder. They are printed out with timestamps.
sort sorts the lines based on timestamp (oldest on top).
head prints out the top lines, up to the last 3 lines.
cut removes the timestamps.
xargs runs rm for every selected file.

For you to verify my solution:

(touch -d "6 days ago" test_6_days_oldtouch -d "7 days ago" test_7_days_oldtouch -d "8 days ago" test_8_days_oldtouch -d "9 days ago" test_9_days_oldtouch -d "10 days ago" test_10_days_old)

This creates 5 files with different timestamps in the current folder. Run this script first and then the code for deleting old files.

The following looks a bit complicated, but is very cautious to be correct, even with unusual or intentionally malicious filenames. Unfortunately, it requires GNU tools:

count=0while IFS= read -r -d ' ' && IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do  (( ++count > 3 )) && printf '%s\0' "$filename"done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%T@ %P\0' | sort -g -z) \     | xargs -0 rm -f --

Explaining how this works:

  • Find emits <mtime> <filename><NUL> for each file in the current directory.
  • sort -g -z does a general (floating-point, as opposed to integer) numeric sort based on the first column (times) with the lines separated by NULs.
  • The first read in the while loop strips off the mtime (no longer needed after sort is done).
  • The second read in the while loop reads the filename (running until the NUL).
  • The loop increments, and then checks, a counter; if the counter's state indicates that we're past the initial skipping, then we print the filename, delimited by a NUL.
  • xargs -0 then appends that filename into the argv list it's collecting to invoke rm with.