docker COPY with file globbing docker COPY with file globbing linux linux

docker COPY with file globbing

For any non-standard build operation, I prefer wrapping the docker build command in a script (named 'build').
Here I would

  • create a subfolder tmp (just beside the Dockerfile, in order to keep it in the docker build context)
  • make the shell cp with globing: cp ./src/**/project.json tmp
  • call docker build, with a Dockerfile including COPY tmp/ /app/
  • deleting tmp.

That way, I pre-configure what I need from host, before building the image from the host context.



COPY src/ /app/



Little late, but with multistage building, you can get this behavior. Here I do it for a large maven build

FROM maven:3.6-slim as stagingWORKDIR /src/COPY . .RUN mkdir /poms/ \    && find ./ -type d -exec mkdir -p '/poms/{}' \; \    && find ./ -name pom.xml -exec cp -r '{}' '/poms/{}' \;FROM maven:3.6-slim as builderWORKDIR /src/COPY --from=staging /poms/* ./RUN mvn dependency:go-offline

A bit of a hack, but given that it's a multistage, the first stage just get's thrown away and the copy is a cheap operation