Embed manifest file to require administrator execution level with mingw32 Embed manifest file to require administrator execution level with mingw32 linux linux

Embed manifest file to require administrator execution level with mingw32

With regard to the magic voodoo numbers 1 and 24:

1 24 "hello.exe.manifest"

That line translates to somthing like this:

ID_MANIFEST RT_MANIFEST "hello.exe.manifest"

where those defines are as defined as follows:


As shown above by the conditional wrappers, the RT_MANIFEST might already be defined and if you do a Google search for that RT_MANIFEST term you will find lots of hits with more details on what is going on.

With some intense voodoo I got it to work with this on my hello.rc file:

1 24 "hello.exe.manifest"

Won't even search to know what the 24 is for (resource type manifest?!).. :-)