Empty core dump file after Segmentation fault Empty core dump file after Segmentation fault linux linux

Empty core dump file after Segmentation fault

setting ulimit -c unlimited turned on generation of dumps.by default core dumps were generated in current directory which was on nfs.setting /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern to /tmp/core helped me to solve the problem of empty dumps.

The comment from Ranjith Ruban helped me to develop this workaround.

What is the filesystem that you are using for dumping the core?

It sounds like you're using a batch scheduler to launch your executable. Maybe the shell that Torque/PBS is using to spawn your job inherits a different ulimit value? Maybe the scheduler's default config is not to preserve core dumps?

Can you run your program directly from the command line instead?

Or if you add ulimit -c unlimited and/or ulimit -s unlimited to the top of your PBS batch script before invoking your executable, you might be able to override PBS' default ulimit behavior. Or adding 'ulimit -c' could report what the limit is anyway.

If you run the core file in a mounted drive.The core file can't be written to a mounted drive but must be written to the local drive.

You can copy the file to the local drive.