Enable monitoring mode for RTL8188CUS via USB on Raspbian Enable monitoring mode for RTL8188CUS via USB on Raspbian linux linux

Enable monitoring mode for RTL8188CUS via USB on Raspbian

Turns out the steps to recompile and load the rtlwifi module are correct. The problem is iwconfig not working to enable/determine monitoring mode in this situation.

Instead, I used iw as outlined by Steven Gordon - Capturing WiFi in Monitor mode with iw and it worked.

To summarize:

STEP 6b: List the physical network interfaces available

$ iw dev

STEP 7: Determine if the physical interface supports monitoring mode

$ iw phy phy0 info... lots of stuff ...Supported interface modes:     * IBSS     * managed     * AP     * AP/VLAN     * monitor     * mesh point     * P2P-client     * P2P-GO... lots more stuff ...

STEP 8: Add a monitoring interface to that physical card

You need to explicitly add a 'monitoring' interface for the hardware you have.

$ sudo iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor

STEP 8: Start monitoring

In my case, I'm using tshark to facilitate monitoring, displaying a few useful fields rather than a lot of noise.

$ sudo apt-get install tshark$ sudo tshark -i mon0 -f 'broadcast' -T fields -e frame.time_epoch -e wlan.sa -e radiotap.dbm_antsignal -e wlan.fc.type -e wlan.fc.subtype


For anyone still interested, the rtl8192cu is now compiled into the raspberry kernel by default. It can be activated by commenting out the blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rtl8192cu.conf. Executing sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor after a reboot will activate monitoring mode without any further problems.